We Jewish believers are the saved remnant of Israel and make up the body of Messiah (along with our beloved Gentile mishpacha), but we are only a remnant. We call ourselves "completed Jews" because we believe the words of the Jewish prophets concerning the Coming Righteous One (Yeshua) and believe we are completed by our faith in Him. But we are only a remnant and will never be fully complete without the rest of our people (the wider Jewish Community). Our hearts go out to you, our wider Jewish family.
We do believe that G-d takes the evil in the world and redeems it. We grieve over the loss of these precious lives, but we also believe that senseless tragedies like this arrest us and force to open our hearts like never before to that One called Yeshua... that we may hear of His love for us and be open to it. We pray this prayer on behalf of our wider Jewish family . As you (our larger Jewish family) read through the weekly parashot, may you confess, O G-d of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, show me the truth as I read this book and help me to follow the light that is given me by You, Amen.
We believe that all hatred is satanically inspired, but that Jewish hatred is even more satanically inspired. Why? Because there's a theological basis for antisemitism. Satan has always sought to destroy the Jewish people prior to the coming of Messiah because they, the Jewish people, were the vehicle through which Messiah would come. Since Messiah's coming, satan still seeks to destroy the Jewish people because he knows that Messiah's return will only come by special invitation by the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem. So we pray specifically that G-d would send insubordination and confusion into the enemy's ranks. In the meantime, let us not keep silent... and for Jerusalem's sake, not keep quiet (Isaiah 62:1) until our wider Jewish family embraces their Messiah.
~ Rabbi Nathan Puro
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